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History Channel Life After People DOCU 2008 DVDRiP XViD

History Channel Life After People DOCU 2008 DVDRiP XViD

The very notion is deliciously ghoulish: What happens to earth if?????or when?????people suddenly vanished? The History Channel presents a dramatic, fascinating what-if scenario, part science fiction and part true natural science. ???Welcome to Earth, Population: 0″ is the catchy tagline, Life After People???????s 94 minutes are so gripping you nearly forget while you watch that you, yourself, will
be gone too. It turns out that earth can go along very nicely without us. The hardest part of the special is probably in the first 15 minutes, when pet owners confront what likely will happen to their
dogs (thankfully, the show follows those dogs who break out of their houses, and the prognosis for them to survive as scavengers is good).




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