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Ulead Cool 3D 3.5

Ulead Cool 3D is a 3D-text-creation tool that delivers high-impact still and animated graphics for use in presentations and on the Web. You can input text directly into the application utilizing TrueType fonts, or import EMF files. Preset styles, textures, colors, backgrounds, and lights allow you to optimize your output and to give it that special flair. Cool 3D even includes special effects such as Fire, Explode, and Twist, in addition to customizable special effects that can be saved for future use. Control over placement, distance from camera, and rotation can be applied to entire words or each to individual letters. Animation can be designed quickly and easily via preset templates, then saved as animated GIF or AVI movies. Still images can be exported in GIF, JPEG, TGA, or BMP formats. Version 3.5 introduces EnVector, a new bonus module dedicated to the creation and output of vector-based Macromedia Flash files.




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